Monday, May 25, 2020

One More Accomplishment A Masters Degree in Entrepreneurship

If I could accomplish one more thing, I would pursue my Masters Degree in Entrepreneurship, before the age of 23. There are many setbacks in college, and why most people don’t finish it, although, I will not let that get in my way; how I’m going to complete it will be difficult, and nothing is holding me back. There are many reasons why I want to get an Entrepreneurship Degree; I have been around Entrepreneur’s my whole life, and I have learned a lot from them, triumphs and mistakes. When I receive my Masters Degree there are several different things that I would have to do thereafter, for example, finding busy intersections, speaking, and getting to know important people in that area, and, of course, finding out lease information in the†¦show more content†¦Being around my parents, daily at work, has a tendency of me learning something new everyday, about the business world. I learn what to do in difficult situations, which would, of course, help out la ter, I’m even learning about a lot of the scams out there that I never even knew, nor even thought about. My parents help me out when there’s an aberration while managing their company, and they help me solve the problem, I hope they will continue to help me after I receive my Masters Degree. I’ve accomplished achieving my Masters Degree; what’s next? Now, I would have to start everything I studied for, owning a business. After, I receive my Masters is when my life would start; I would have to start looking for the busy/moving parts of big cities; I don’t want my business in a rural area, strictly urban, and overpopulation can only mean two things for businesses, money, and movement. After finding a good area to put my salon in, I’d try to get to know other Entrepreneur’s at different networking events, to ask about the town, and find out how there business is doing. Finally, after seeing the different properties, and hearing comments from associates, I’d find out leasing information in the different shopping centers, if positive feedback was heard. These will all be a piece of pie, if my parents, the one with experience, will be with me throughout it.Show MoreRelatedIntroduction to Management999 Words   |  4 Pagesactivities of the group; the work done by the leader is what we call management. Organization and the definition of Management Organization is formed by a group of people who work together. No matter the organization is a profit making ones or non-profit making ones, its formations are to achieve a common purpose or variety of goals, which are the desired future outcomes. The outcomes might be producing a series of product or serving a group of target customers or satisfying others ¡Ã‚ ¦ needs. In theseRead MoreProfessional Development Plan1601 Words   |  7 Pagesgoal. 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