Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Techniques of Sophocles

Question: Do you think King Oedipus is relevant to the contemporary world? Explain your answer by discussing if the techniques Sophocles utilizes in his play resonate with the present? Answer: Introduction In 496 BC Sophocles was known to be born in Greece in Colonus. During the time of his birth, a legend was known to be there who was an emigrant king from Theban known as Oedipus. In this there are some principles which were used for describing the fortunes that has been happening with him in his family and the changes related to the destiny which seems to be relevant to the modern times. Relevance of Oedipus to contemporary world In and around 430 BC Sophocles has written a play called the King Oedipus which is known to be one of the most important tragedy that is influential and was never written so far. Basing this there were many more tragedies written after that. Though some scenes of the story line in fact seems to be out of the scenario at present there are some parallels which can be coincided with the current status (Bond et al., 2015). Though it was 2000 years back that this was written, King Oedipus is still applicable to the present society and is completely fitting to the current situations. As per the ancient Greece there was a belief in the peoples mind that god has made a prior decisions about their destinies and their fates. They even had a belief that nothing can be done in order to change that fate irrespective of trying anything. The king Oedipus tries to make changes about the things known to happen in his destiny what it would be like killing his father and engaging his own mother which c ould be carried out by getting out from the city along with the family which is considered to be of his own. In the play it was later found that by making a move he has contented his destiny (Goodhead, 2015). Parents of Oedipus have been trying to get their destinies changed but it was rebounded to them in this contemporary world. Most of the religions that have this similar kind of beliefs are said to be existing in the world towards the eastern part. Most of the people who live in the west have a belief that there are one who minds their own destinies and fates which can be changed according to their perceptions. This story even stated the Oedipus was the sincere son of the earlier king and was not at all authoritative. One more thing which has been found to be in between the Oedipus and the modern life is that people can bring changes and can do themselves that is internally and can make a development in them over the time (Griffith et al., 2013). Changes are not usually motivate d. The factor that motivated Oedipus was after the realization of killing his father and marrying his own mother who was later dead. He made himself blind by poking his eyes after this event it has seemed that his personality was further developed. He found to be quiet and look at the things in a normal way. Many of these situations are found to be happening in the present times every now and then (Haque Chowdhury, 2013). The characters that are developed by Sophocles are quite complex and very near to the modern world. Rather than depending on the situations that are extreme like earlier tragedies he has created the characters that are motivated powerfully which are even strongly relating to the psychological depthless of the present world. People keep changing their lifestyles and the personalities by getting influenced and also suggestions from others (Zachrisson, 2013). Changes that are not motivated are refined and are not noticeable at once. As the time passes it just happens . Things are indirectly tend to happen such as dressing similarly like others, copying their way of talking etc. At the end it can be stated that Oedipus the King can be apparent as the world best character that is similar in both Oedipus himself and also the modern people. Oedipus was found to be a very stubborn personality. He had a belief that Tiresias has hide himself from not telling the truth that has been sent by Creon for lying to him though Tiresias has proved that future can be seen by him. Stubbornness is also seen in the modern day citizens mostly during the time if something went wrong or if they knew that it is wrong about things. For instance though the context does not appear to be reasonable and not at all logical the underneath stubbornness will have its own way of applying them. These are supposing will be reasonless and illogical. Comparing these changes are said be not necessary and are worst. Wisdom has been showed by Oedipus who saved the Thebes entire city by resolving the Riddle thrown by Sphinxs. The common characteristic trait that has been found in todays people is the intelligence (Ko, 2015). In the 5th century BC Oedipus has begun to believe that he can get hold of controlling the environment of his and make the destiny of his own. To his belief in fact he wanted to be in the similar range of gods. He used to think of himself over the others range which can be known from the statement the vocal rhyme has begun and he can defeat the complete wealth and happiness. By this statement it can be estimated that his arrogance of becoming equal to gods (Mahon, 2015). By this we can connect it with the contemporary world that the city is running with lots of arrogance today, mostly it has been found in the leaders who are not so developed and the nations that are third world. For instance in todays world all infants who are born are desired with same amount of natural care, love and attention. These are given unconditionally by their parents are available readily. But in through life the kids start experiencing the arrogance in the kind of upbringing environment they are bought up. Differences from king Oedipus to modern world Oedipus is an extremely stubborn man. He trusts that Tiresias has not let him know reality and was sent by Creon to deceive him, even after Tiresias demonstrates that he can really observe into what's to come. Cutting edge individuals can likewise be extremely tenacious, particularly on the off chance that they know or believe that they are incorrect about something. Oedipus likewise demonstrates incredible knowledge. He spared the whole city of Thebes by noting the Sphinx's puzzle and his reward was the crown and the ruler's turn in marriage. He governed the city decently and fairly, and demonstrates his knowledge at the end of the day when he made sense of that he was the cause if the torment that had fallen upon the city, and that he was the cause. Knowledge is a typical character quality found in individuals today. The most clear of Oedipus' character attributes was his egotism. He was certain that Creon needed his crown and trusted that he was the main individual on the planet w ho could have spared the city from the sphinx's torment. Arrogance runs wild in the world today, mostly among leaders of underdeveloped and third world nations. Conclusion The Oedipus the King is found to be very much relevant to the contemporary world from most of the aspects. The beliefs about the fate and the destiny which was found to be true in the earlier times is been found in the modern world by the people which are very similar. There are some situations which have been blind-sided as the Oedipus does in the present situations. The arrogance that has been shown by this king is seen at the utmost levels in this place today and also the intelligence is at its high peaks. Is it fine to accept the truth that is painful similar to Oedipus or would like to continue in the similar path of blindness in future too. References Bylund, J. (2015). Did Oedipus suffer from the Oedipal Complex? A psychological analysis of Oedipus in Oedipus the King. Bond, R., Kelly, S.D., Henley, L., Warnes, M.D., Tobin, S.M., Calvert, J.S., Jamieson, S. and Hussen, M.A., (2015). Seven Tragedies of Sophocles-Oedipus the King. Goodhead, D.M., (2015). The Prophetic Statement in Sophocles Oedipus the King and Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart: A Textual Comparison.Contemporary Journal of African Studies,3(2), pp.95-111. Griffith, M., Most, G. W., Grene, D., Lattimore, R. (Eds.). (2013).Sophocles I: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus. University of Chicago Press. Haque, M.Z. and Chowdhury, F.K., (2013). The Concept of Blindness in Sophocles' King Oedipus and Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature,2(3), pp.112-119. Ko, J. (2015). WB Yeats's Tragic Gaiety in Sophocles' King Oedipus.The Yeats Journal of Korea,47, 125-144. Mahon, E.J., (2015). Insight Agonistes: A Reading of Sophocles's Oedipus the King.The Psychoanalytic Quarterly,84(3), pp.665-693. Zachrisson, A., (2013). Oedipus the king: Quest for self?knowledgedenial of reality. Sophocles vision of man and psychoanalytic concept formation.The International Journal of Psychoanalysis,94(2), pp.313-331. Personality Spirituality: Available at: https://personalityspirituality.net/articles/the-michael-teachings/chief-features/arrogance/ Personality Spirituality: Available at: https://personalityspirituality.net/articles/the-michael-teachings/chief-features/stubbornness/ https://kenanmalik.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/antigone/

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